Friday, January 04, 2008

Flickr Tag Search

I stumbled onto this neat tag search engine in a visual format. This makes it very easy to find photos related to interests; I searched for images of Westminster Abbey and it found over 9,000 images. I do wonder, though, about the ease of searching photos. It seems this would often be used to steal others photos. However, I was hoping to find images from INSIDE Westminster Abbey, since photography is forbidden.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Musicovery : interactive webRadio

Musicovery : interactive webRadio lets me click on a mood or dance tempo and it webs musical interests. Sort of like Pandora?

Mr. Picassohead

A virtual Mr. Potato Head with Picasso-styling. A silly time waster.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sites to visit

I have started in on my magazine bin. I had numerous issues of Parents magazine, Real Simple, and O to read.

Sites for kids (thanks to Real Simple Magazine--fall 2007):

I also checked out this site for trading:

and I've been a member for awhile at

Zunafish is intriguing, though, because of the videogames.