Wednesday, March 12, 2008
This week is midterms. Next week is Spring Break. They couldn't have planned that better!
Last year for Spring Break, I took a ten day trip to London, which, of course, I blogged (shameless self-promotion, I know). This spring break I will be grading a major essay from each class. I will also be working on the ENGL 1102 wiki. I need a lesson plan to encourage continued content development and to introduce linking and refactoring the pages; however, I also need the students to fix current errors in grammar, documentation of sources, etc).
Other plans:
I need to plan advertising for the Travel Lit course for fall. If enough students do not register, it will not fly. It's tough to invest all the time and energy constructing a course and spending hours on creating flyers and such only to have it canceled over the summer.
What I really want to do is hit the road.
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