Thursday, January 15, 2009


After some minor obstacles with invitations not going through, my students are getting on the course blogs and posting practice messages. Yay!

This semester, I have four classes out of five using blogs:

College Writing II Online (using them as a step up from journal writing; not quite as formal as an essay).

College Writing II On Campus (using them for journal writing)

College Writing II Accelerated/Hybrid (same as the online course)

College Writing I On Campus (mostly as journals, various short assignments such as topic proposals possibly).

Sunday, January 11, 2009


The 0050 syllabus and schedule are done. The 1102 on campus syllabus is done, but schedule needs tweaking yet. 1101 is still pretty much a mystery, but since that class was assigned to me at the last minute, it has been relegated to the bottom of my class-related-to-do-list.

(and an hour later--the schedule is done. 1101 is all that is left! Yippee!)


I have finished:

1102 Online syllabus
1102 Online Units 1 & 2 (major overhaul)
1102 Accelerated syllabus
1102 Accelerated Units 1 & 2 (major overhaul as well)

I have to complete:
0050 calendar (restructured to fit 2 day format instead of 3)
1102 on campus schedule (restructured to fit 3 day format instead of 2)
1101 syllabus and schedule (I haven't taught this since last spring, so major revisions will be necessary)

Wish me luck.